First Communion Announcements

Any FIRST COMMUNION announcements or reminders in reference to important dates, events, days off, etc. will be posted on this page.  

Click on the title of each announcement to see the full text.

The latest post will always appear at the top.

**For announcements and reminders pertaining to the Religious Education Classes in general, please go to the "General Class Info" tab above.

FIRST COMMUNION PARENT MEETING  (Attendance Required)  (01-20-2025)

We are approaching the celebration of your child's First Holy Communion!


That is why we are letting you know that, as stated on the calendar we gave you at the beginning of the year, students and parents must attend the Parents’ Meeting for First Communion that will take place in February.







*This meeting will take place instead of regular class on the above dates. Please come with your child directly to the Parish Hall by the regular start time of class.



Attendance at this meeting is REQUIRED for both parent and student.


We look forward to seeing you! Thank you, and God bless you.

FIRST COMMUNION - Things to Learn, Part III  (01-11-2025)

For the month of January, we are assigning the third set of concepts for our First Communion students to review and learn.  Your child will need to learn the steps in the Rite of Reconciliation, as found in their “Reconciliation Book” that was given to them this week in class.  Your child will be doing their First Confession (Reconciliation) before receiving their First Communion.  They will be expected to know what to say and do when they celebrate Reconciliation for the first time with one of our parish priests.  Therefore, it is of utmost importance that they know the steps in celebrating Reconciliation.  Your child also needs to review the Act of Contrition, as they will say this prayer during Reconciliation.


We will be distributing a handout to our First Communion students this week with what they need to review and learn.  *You can download the handout by clicking here, and it is also available on the “First Communion Page” of our website.


In a couple of weeks, we will be evaluating to ensure that each student has learned the Rite of Reconciliation and the Act of Contrition.  We ask for your assistance by going over the Rite and the prayer together with your child.  We also strongly recommend practicing the steps in celebrating Reconciliation with your child at home.


Thank you, and God bless you. 

IMPORTANT REMINDERS - St. Kevin Religious Education   (01-06-2025)

As we informed our Confirmation classes this week, we will be evaluating the Confirmation candidates next class on their “Basic Prayers” as part of the preparation for Confirmation.  These prayers include the Sign of the Cross, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Glory Be, the Act of Contrition, and the Apostles’ Creed


We will be making sure that each candidate has learned their basic prayers.  We will be asking them to pray these prayers with us individually to ensure that they have learned them.  As part of their preparation for Confirmation, it is imperative that they know all of their basic prayers, which they will continue to use beyond their Confirmation as they proceed on their journey of faith.


As previously stated, we need your assistance in ensuring that your candidate has learned all of the Basic Prayers by going over and praying them together.  The best way for them to learn these prayers is to pray them every day, and what could be better than to pray together as a family daily!


Thank you, and God bless you. 

MUSIC MINISTRY - Students Invited to Join and Participate  (01-08-2025)

In our Religious Education Program, students are given the oppportunity to become involved in our parish through a number of ministries.  One ministry that we are especially blessed to have is our Music Ministry.  The Music Ministry aims to teach, prepare, and form our children to participate in life-long praise of God through sacred song.  They are given the opportunity to participate in the parish community by singing at the Masses and special events prepared and coordinated by the Religious Education Program.


As we begin the second half of our catechetical year, we extend an invitation to all of our students in second grade and up to join and participate in this wonderful ministry. 

We regularly have rehearsals two Saturdays in the month to practice and prepare the songs for our Masses and events.  Our next rehearsal is taking place on:


Saturday, January 18

11:15 am – 1:00 pm



We would love to have your child join our Music Ministry, and there is no cost involved to participate!  If your child is interested in joining and participating, please reply to this email to let us know so that we can place them on the list and send you more information about our upcoming rehearsals and Masses.  In your email, please include your child's name and current grade level.

You can also find information regarding the Music Ministry on our website,

Thank you, and God bless you.


This is a reminder that there will be NO CLASSES from December 15th until January 5th, 2025.  We will be on Christmas Break for three weeks.


Classes will resume:


*Our schedule of Masses for Christmas and New Year’s can be found below, as well as on our website,*


Let us remember amidst all the excitement and preparation during these days that the real reason for Christmas is JESUS.  It is a season to reflect, remember, and celebrate this greatest gift that God has given to each and every one of us.  May we welcome Christ into our hearts and allow Him to guide us on our journey of faith.


Please also find below a special Christmas message from our pastor, Father Jesús Saldaña, to all of our families in the parish.

We wish you and your family a wonderful and holy Christmas.  May the season lead you and your families to be drawn closer to our Jesus Christ, the Emmanuel, God-with-us.  May the New Year of 2025 be filled with abundant blessings and graces from our Lord above. 


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Dear brothers and sisters:

Peace and Good Will to all.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  --John 1:1

God reveals himself to humanity with his love, his wisdom, and his power through his Son, Jesus Christ. Faith is our response to this revelation that, at the same time, is nourished by Hope and in communion with Charity.  Man has experienced this call from God.  Abraham believed, trusted, and started his pilgrimage with hope, knowing that it is God who guides him.  Our lives are also a pilgrimage, walking with Christ toward the Father.  Let us now walk with Christ through the world, bringing to all men and women of good will the message of Hope expressed in our daily commitment and solidarity.  We are messengers of Peace and Joy.  On Christmas Eve, in communion with the whole Church, Pope Francis opens the Holy Door to mark the new Jubilee Year.  Open your heart as well to Jesus.  Walk with him as a bearer of hope in the coming year.  The Holy Spirit is the one who guides us to be Witnesses of Hope.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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St. Kevin Catholic Parish


Tuesday, December 24th  (Christmas Eve)

6:00 pm  English      (Christmas Vigil Mass)

12:00 am:  Midnight  Mass  –  Bilingual

Wednesday, December 25th (Christmas Day)


8:00 am      English

9:30 am    Spanish

11:15 am     English

1:00 pm      Spanish

7:00 pm      Spanish

Remember, NO confessions on Christmas Day.


Tuesday, December 31st

6:00 pm      English Vigil - Mary, Mother of God

7:30 pm      Spanish Vigilia - Maria, Madre de Dios


Wednesday, January 1st, 2025  (Mary, Mother of God)   


7:30 am      English

7:30 pm    Spanish

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT - Dec. 3, 4, 7  (11-30-2024)

As mentioned during the Welcome Orientation, continuing an initiative during the Eucharistic Revival, we will be starting some of our classes throughout the year with the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  This is to help our students to develop a love and devotion for our Lord Jesus Christ truly present in the Eucharist.  Next week, we will be having our next Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for this year at the beginning of class.


Next class: Tuesday, December 3; Wednesday, December 4, and Saturday, December 7, students need to go directly to the church, NOT THE SCHOOL, when they arrive.  

Please refer to the email sent to the parents for complete details regarding the procedures that will apply for this week.

Most especially as we will be in the church in the presence of the Lord, all students need to be dressed appropriately (following the program dress code).

They should also bring their books and supplies as usual for regular class after the Adoration.

Again, students need to be at the church this week by the regular time for the start of their Religious Education class.



Thank you, and God bless you. 

PARISH FESTIVAL REMINDERS (Ride Wristbands & Raffle Tickets) (11-30-2024)

We hope you and your families had a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving.  


This is a reminder that we are still selling the “Unlimited Ride Wristband” for the Parish Festival, which is taking place this coming Sunday, December 8th.  You can still take advantage of the pre-Festival price of $25 per wristband, and they can be bought from us when your child comes for Religious Education class.  Wristbands are also available at the Parish Office.  The last day to buy the wristband at the pre-festival price is this Wednesday, December 4thOn the day of the Festival, they will be $30 each. 


More information can be found in the “PARISH FESTIVAL” page of our website.


Also, if you have not yet done so, please remember to return your raffle tickets to us this week for a chance to win some great prizes in our festival raffle.  The last day to turn in the raffle tickets is this Wednesday, December 4th


Please remember that there will be NO CLASSES this coming week for Thanksgiving break:

Classes will resume the following week:


A reminder that on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th, we will have our bilingual Religious Education Thanksgiving Family Mass here at St. Kevin at 11:00 am.  Our Music Ministry choir will be leading us in singing and praising God at the Mass, and some of our younger students will be participating and making a special presentation during the Mass.  We invite you and your families to join us in giving thanks to God for all His graces.


We also thank all of you for your generous contributions to our Thanksgiving Drive.  We collected just over $1,700 in cash donations!  The money collected will be used by the St. Mother Teresa Charity ministry of the parish to provide gift cards for needy families in our parish community this Thanksgiving.  All of the charitable work we are able to accomplish is only possible through your generosity.

As we celebrate this occasion with our own families and loved ones, let us remember to be thankful to God for all the graces he has bestowed on us and all the blessings he constantly provides for us.  Let us also keep in our prayers all who are in need.

We wish you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving! 

THINGS TO LEARN, PART II - Evaluations Next Class  (11-14-2024)

As we informed our First Communion classes this week, we will be doing the evaluations next class  (Saturday, November 16; Tuesday, November 19, Wednesday, November 20) for the material in the “Things to Learn – Part II” handout given to your child and emailed to you back at the end of October.  The handout contains the Seven Sacraments as well as the Act of Contrition and the Ten Commandments.

Our First Communion students will need to list the Seven Sacraments and to fill in the Ten Commandments, and afterwards, they will recite the Act of Contrition to their Catechist.  This is to ensure that your child has learned these important prayers and concepts, as they will be needed later on when your child celebrates his/her First Reconciliation.


As previously stated, we are asking for your assistance in helping your child to learn these concepts and prayers by going over them together at home.  The best way for them to learn these prayers and concepts is to pray them together daily and to discuss them as a family!


Thank you, and God bless you. 


We are excited to announce that our annual St. Kevin Parish Festival will be on Sunday, December 8, 2024 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm here on our parish and school grounds.  This annual event is a cherished reminder of the fun and fellowship that our entire Church and school community can share.  Please find below a few things to note regarding the festival.



Each family will be receiving a book of 10 raffle tickets.  They will be sent home with your oldest child by next week (as there has been a delay in sending the raffle tickets to us).  It will be one book of 10 tickets per family (not per child).  Please remember to fill out and return the ticket stubs (the portion with your name and contact information) to us, along with the suggested donation, by Saturday, December 7th so that you can be entered to win some great prizes. 


As we do every year, we will have new rides for our young ones of all ages.  Ride wristbands will be available for purchase in November for unlimited access to rides at the Festival.  You can take advantage of the early bird price of $25 per wristband up until December 4th (cash or check only).  Please fill out the Festival Wristband Order Form and submit it to us at the door when you drop off your child for class.  On the day of the Festival, they will be $30.   



We invite you and your families to participate by volunteering at the Parish Festival while also enjoying an atmosphere of fun and fellowship with the entire parish community.  Should you be able to assist, please reply to the festival email with your contact information to let us know, and we will forward it to the festival committee who will get in touch with you.  


We look forward to all of our families joining us for a day of fun filled with delicious food, fun activities, and the spirit of our community of faith!


This past week, we sent home the memo with information regarding our Thanksgiving Drive.  We will be working in conjunction with the St. Mother Teresa Charity of the parish to provide assistance for as many families as possible.


As last year, we will not be collecting any food items, as the members of the St. Mother Teresa Charity will not be preparing food baskets.  Instead, they are collecting cash donations to provide gift cards for the needy families this Thanksgiving. 


We are requesting that each student in the program brings a minimum of $5.00 in cash in order to assist with the purchasing of the gift cards to be distributed.  Should you wish to donate more, you are strongly encouraged and more than welcome to do so.


ALL DONATIONS NEED TO BE BROUGHT IN BY NEXT CLASS (this week).  Please have your child give the donations to us at the front door when they come to class.  We will have an envelope for them to place the cash donations. 


Let us always remember to be thankful to God for all the blessings he gives us every day.  Let us keep in mind all the less fortunate in our community, and those we will be helping though this food drive.  Let us remember to pray for them, for God to watch over them and be with them always.


We thank you for your cooperation, and may God bless your generosity.


As part of your child’s preparation for First Communion, your child will need to learn several concepts and prayers throughout the year. 


For the month of November, we are assigning the second set of concepts and prayers that your child will need to learn.  They include the Seven Sacraments as well as the Act of Contrition and the Ten Commandments, as soon your child will be learning about the sacrament of Reconciliation and preparing for their first confession.  Last class, we sent home a handout containing these new items that they need to learn. 

In a few weeks, before the Thanksgiving break, we will be evaluating to ensure that each student has learned these items.  We ask for your assistance by going over and praying the prayers together with your child, as well as reviewing the concepts with them.  The best way for them to learn these prayers and concepts is to pray them every day and to talk about them as a family!


In addition, please remember to continue reviewing and praying the Basic Prayers (from Part I) with your child at home.  There are a few students who are still working on learning the prayers.  Please help your child to learn these prayers in their entirety if they have not yet done so.  We will be following up on the Basic Prayers later on in the year.

Thank you, and God bless you. 

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MASS - Friday, November 1  (10-26-2024)

Please remember that we have a special Religious Education Mass taking place this week:


When:       Friday, November 1, 2024

Time:             6:00 pm

Location:      Church


This Friday, we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints.  On this day, the Church recalls the example, witness, and prayer of the holy women and men who have been identified by the Church as saints.  More than just role models, the saints are family members in the Communion of Saints.  On this special day, we come together and pray to all the Saints in heaven to continue to intercede for us so that we may be more like them in living our lives according to the example and teachings of Christ. 

At our Mass, we will have some of the Saints among us represented by our third grade students, who will also be presenting their saint during the Mass.  Our Music Ministry choir will be singing and leading us in giving praise to God.  Students from our Confirmation classes will also be participating as lectors. 

We ask all of our students and families to come together to celebrate the Eucharist on this special day.  We look forward to having you and your child(ren) join us, as we pray and celebrate during our Mass this Friday!

Thank you, and God bless you. 


There is class as usual on Tuesday, October 29; Wednesday, October 30; and Saturday, November 2.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MASS - Sunday, October 20  (10-17-2024)

Please remember that our next Religious Education Mass is taking place this coming Sunday:


When:           Sunday, October 20, 2024

Time:               11:15 am

Location:        Church


We are celebrating this Mass so that all the children, families, and catechists of the Religious Education Program can come together to pray and celebrate, united as one community in Christ.  Our Music Ministry choir will be singing and leading us in giving praise to God.  Students from our Seventh Grade and Up classes will be participating in the various roles of the Mass. 


CLICK HERE to download the guide with the prayers, songs, readings, and Mass parts so that you and your child(ren) may follow during the Mass.

We look forward to having all of our families join us, and seeing all of you as we pray and celebrate during our Mass this Sunday!

Thank you, and God bless you.

FIRST COMMUNION - PRAYER EVALUATIONS  (Things to Learn, Part I)  (10-08-2024)

At the time of registration, you were informed of the Basic Prayers that each child preparing for First Communion should already know from last year.  These prayers include the Sign of the Cross, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be.  A few weeks ago, we distributed another copy of the Basic Prayers to all of our First Communion students, and we also sent it to you via email.

Please be aware that next class (Tuesday, October 15, Wednesday, October 16, and Saturday, October 19), we will be evaluating the First Communion students on the four “Basic Prayers” as part of the preparation for First Communion. 

We will be seeing whether each student has learned their basic prayers.  We will be asking them to pray these prayers with us individually to ensure that they know them and so that they can continue using these prayers as they grow in their faith.


As classes this week have been cancelled, it is a wonderful opportunity for your child to go over and review their basic prayers.  We also ask for your assistance in helping your child with their prayers.  The best way for them to learn and remember these prayers is to pray them every day, and what could be better than to pray together as a family daily, especially these next few days!


Thank you, God bless you, and please stay safe! 

CLASSES CANCELLED - Tuesday, Oct. 8 & Wednesday, Oct. 9 (10-07-2024)

Per the direction of the Archdiocese, due to the approach of Hurricane Milton, the office will be closed and Religious Education classes have been CANCELLED for the Tuesday and Wednesday groups.

There will be NO Religious Education classes on:

Classes will resume the following week:

There will be CLASS AS USUAL for the Saturday students on Saturday, October 12.

Let us keep the people who live on the west coast of Florida in our prayers, as well as everyone who will be impacted, asking our Lord to accompany them and all of us as this hurricane passes through our state. 

FIRST COMMUNION BASIC PRAYERS  (Things to Learn, Part I)  (09-24-2024)

Last year, your child was asked to learn and memorize the four “Basic Prayers” that every Catholic should know how to pray.  These prayers include the Sign of the Cross, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be.  Your child should already be familiar with all of them.


As your child is now in the second year of faith formation for First Communion, it is imperative that they know their Basic Prayers.  During registration, we included a handout with the Basic Prayers in your Welcome Packet.  We informed you that we will be evaluating your child on their Basic Prayers sometime in October.  Therefore, please make sure that your child is reviewing and saying their Basic Prayers at home that they must know. 


We are asking for your assistance by going over and praying these prayers together with your child.  The best way for them to learn these prayers is to pray them every day, and what could be better than to pray together as a family daily!


Thank you, and God bless you.


We have had a successful first week of formal class, and we thank you for your support and cooperation as we continue on this Catechetical year.  We also give thanks to everyone who joined us for our beautiful opening Religious Education Mass yesterday.  A special thank you also to all of our students who participated in a particular role: the lectors and offertory bearers from the Confirmation classes, the altar servers, and the members of our Music Ministry choir, who sang so beautifully at the Mass.  It was a great blessing to gather together as a Religious Education family to pray and to celebrate.  We look forward to seeing everyone again for our next Religious Education Mass in October as well as throughout the year.


We would like to remind you of a few guidelines of utmost importance mentioned at the Parent Orientation to keep in mind throughout the year:


Please remember the drop-off and dismissal procedures as explained during the Welcome Orientation and sent to you via email. 


Students should come dressed comfortably, but appropriate for class and church (especially as our catechists often take their classes to the Chapel during class, and we will be participating in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during the year).  In other words, all students are expected to dress modestly.  Students are not to wear “short” shorts or “short” skirts (must be knee-length), tank tops, sleeveless attire, gym shorts, sweat pants, leggings, ripped jeans, flip-flops, crocs, or distracting hair pieces (large bows, animal ears, etc.).  Sports uniforms are also not permitted. 


Please remember that for those students in the first or second year of preparation for a sacrament, we allow up to five (5) absences for the year, regardless of the reason, in terms of counting the year toward sacramental preparation.  There are no excused or unexcused absences.  If a student is absent, the office may send a courtesy email to inform you of the number of absences your child has up to that point.  (This guideline does not apply to students in first grade and to students in grades 4-6 who have already received First Communion.)


Students received their books this past week in class.  The book must be brought to class every week.  Students also need to bring a pencil or pen, along with any other supplies requested by their catechist.  Only drawstring or canvas bags may be used to carry books and supplies.  Regular school book bags are NOT permitted.


Please remember that students may not bring any food or drinks to class, including all types of water bottles, as they are not allowed inside the classrooms.  In addition, gum chewing is not permitted.


All of the above guidelines are taken from our “Religious Education Handbook,” which contains all the procedures that will be followed this year.  It is available on our website at, under the “GENERAL CLASS INFO” tab. 


Please be sure to also check our website,, frequently for any updates and new information regarding your child’s Religious Education classes, including class outlines.  The website will be our primary conduit of communicating pertinent information to you.  Also, please check your emails on a regular basis for any important information and reminders we may send throughout the year, and to add our email address to your contact list to ensure that any emails from the program are not sent to your spam/junk folder.  


Thank you for your support and cooperation.  May God bless you and your families. 

OPENING RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MASS - Sunday, Sept. 15  (09-12-2024)

Please remember that our opening Religious Education Mass is taking place this coming Sunday:


When:                Sunday, September 15, 2024

Time:                 11:15 am

Location:           Church


This Sunday, the Church in the United States celebrates Catechetical Sunday, the national day that celebrates the ministry of catechesis and religious education.  Hence, the 11:15 am Mass this Sunday will be celebrated and dedicated especially for the students, families, and catechists of our Religious Education Program.  As we kickoff this new catechetical year, let us come together to pray for a successful year and to celebrate our unity as one community in Christ.

Our Music Ministry choir will be singing and leading us in giving praise to God.  Students from our Confirmation classes will be participating in the various roles of the Mass.  Our Catechists will also be commissioned in their important mission of sharing and passing on the faith to your children and families.


CLICK HERE to download the guide with the prayers, songs, readings, and Mass parts so that you and your child(ren) may follow during the Mass.

We look forward to having all of you and your families join us as we pray and celebrate during our opening Mass this Sunday!

Thank you, and God bless you.


We thank everyone for their presence and participation in this week’s Welcome Orientation. We are excited to begin our classes for this year, and we know that they will be wonderful and fruitful for all with the grace of our Lord and the support and cooperation of all of our families.


An email was sent to all attendees with follow-up information for this year, including information on:

-   Handbook

-   Welcome Packet

-   Class Outlines

-   Emails and Website


A separate email was also sent with more detailed information on the Covid-19 guidelines as well as the process for drop-off and pick-up for this year.


We look forward to the start of our formal classes this week. God bless you.

WELCOME ORIENTATION, 2024-2025  (09-01-2024)

We take this opportunity to welcome you to the beginning of the St. Kevin Religious Education Program for the 2024–2025 Catechetical Year!


The classes begin this week.  As mentioned at registration, for the first day of class, we will have our Welcome Orientation for this catechetical year. 


We look forward to seeing all of our students and parents at our Welcome Orientation!