Any child in fourth grade and up who has celebrated their First Holy Communion is invited to participate in our parish as an Altar Server.

Altar serving is a wonderful ministry that allows children to become involved in our parish.   As an altar server, they serve an important role by assisting the priests and deacons on the altar during our Sunday (and Saturday Vigil)  Masses, as well as Masses of special occasions. The blessings they receive in serving our Lord on the altar will enable them to continue to grow in their faith and relationship with Christ.

Altar servers are placed on a schedule, and are expected to serve at their designated Masses.

Altar servers will need to attend a training session prior to the commencement of serving.  The date of the training session will be announced on this page and in the parish bulletin. 

If your child would like to participate as an altar server, please send an email to the Religious Education Office so that your child can be placed on the list for the next training session.  The "Parent Acknowledgement Form" found below will also need to be completed, signed, and submitted to the catechetical leaders

The schedules for the altar servers are also posted on this page.  Please check back weekly (usually on Fridays) to see if a new schedule has been uploaded.

For More Information

Contact the

Religious Education Office




TBA for 2024-2025 catechetical year

Registration is needed to attend the session.  Please email the Religious Education Office.

Parental Authorization Form

(to be submitted on the day of the training)



August 2024

(Uploaded: July 26, 2024)

May 2024

(Uploaded: April 29, 2024)

April 2024

(Uploaded: March 23, 2024)

*Please remember that your child needs to sign the schedule in the sacristy to show that s/he served at her/his scheduled Mass.